You have most likely come to this page to learn about Chad Syphrett.

This blog is an achive of Chad's various antics across the web, his attempts at deception, and his harassment of the people who refuse to cooperate or believe his lies.

As a disclaimer, this blog is run independantly of websites Encyclopedia Dramatica and DeviantArt.

Please enjoy your stay.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Chad Syphrett: A General Guide.

DISCLAIMER: My findings are based only upon the evidence that Chad Syphrett has personally provided throughout his own words online. I do not know or need to know about his outside life, as the purpose of this blog is only to document his online behaviour.

As of writing, Chad has over two hundred accounts on DeviantArt, at least twenty on Gaia and Twitter, numerous email accounts on Yahoo and Gmail, several on KnowYourMeme, Encyclopedia Dramatica, Youtube and various other websites. Unforutunately, it is impossible to determine just how many he has created over the several years that he has been active due to the sheer quantity.

I believe that Chad originated as a conspiracy theorist, often cited blaming 'World governments' as the cause for everything that he finds wrong with the world. In particular, he appeared to have a hatred for Child Protection Services:

“The U.S. federal government is ruled by a wicked group of people, who would love to orchestrate another massacre. They don't even need a "good excuse" to destroy that "polygamist compound". Polygamy is accepted in many parts of the world, and no one on earth is going to stop people from wanting to have many spouses.
The wicked government's "child protection services" are ridiculous. They're well-known for trading children for money to polygamists in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries. Don't trust the governments of this world, and don't invite them to come on your land.”
Source -

He was eventually banned from this website for his overzealous attacks on people who did not agree with his beliefs, as illustrated here in a post to a different website, where he claims that the moderators are 'CIA plants'. (Source:

Chad's general beliefs and goals are difficult to grasp, as he is nearly always irrational and constantly switching sides. I will attempt to summarise as best I can.

Firstly, Chad held a strict belief that the government was part of an elabourate conspiracy to control the general public. He viewed himself as a lone warrior of truth, enlightening the masses to the truth. He claimed that major corperations such as Google, various television networks, and banks were all under the government's control, and that the supposed 9/11 coverup was standard work. (Source:

This attitude shifted after his debut onto DeviantArt (more on this in a later post), where after posting various imflamatory attacks upon homosexuals and other minorites he collected quite a strong opposition. In response, he claimed to be working at the AT&T, a 'front company for the government', and that he was joining the military solely for the purpose of killing his 'enemies'. (Source:

Using this front, he has claimed to be multiple people working under the collective name Chad Syphrett and able to gain access to the personal information of anyone who opposes him. He constantly labels them as 'cyber terrorists'. (Source:

Chad has also mounted a vicious onslaught against pornography of all kinds, claiming that people who watch porn are not suitable to have children or to hold any kind of respected opinion. He has also released several 'bullitens' in which he explains how to 'properly raise a family' (which carries many misogonistic undertones and promoted gun violence) and a guide to finding 'true love'. (Source:

Additionally is Chad's continuous efforts to become employed as a web designer and graphic artist, which is what led him to websites DeviantArt, Newgrounds and Youtube. In an effort to be employed, he created many 'projects' (in the form of seperate accounts) within the domains of these websites, all while petitioning to become a staff member, gain moderator rights, and so on. Usually, he keeps himself very restrained and polite in this initial dealings, only falling back into his old ways once his chance at employment has been thoroughly denied.

Chad will slowly deterioate over his time at the website as he gathers 'enemies', becoming more and more unintelligable with his rambling, insults, and beliefs. In some cases, he has gathered a hitlist of people who have disagreed with him, as well as attacking them with sockpuppet accounts. I will go into this aspect of Chad's behaviour when I discuss his time at DeviantArt.

The most alarming and important thing to note about Chad's behaviour his attempts to recruit people to use as 'meek followers'. This is usually done by mindless praising and compliments ('I appreciate you', 'How are you' and 'Thank you for even talking to me' are three base terms he often uses), as well as alienating them from others that are not as friendly with him. His most common target is young children, usually around the age of fourteen (I will expand on this later). By exploiting their vunrabilities and lack of experience, he quickly fills their minds with his own personal philosphies and encourages them to attack anyone who states a dissenting opinion.

So far, this pattern has been followed at Newgrounds, DeviantArt, 4chan, and possibly Flickr. Each of these websites has been publically denounced by Chad himself as 'porn-obssessed' and 'degenerate' upon banning him.

Please understand that this is a very rough guide to how Chad operates at the time of writing. As stated throughout, I will be expanding on several points in later posts, including his inappropriate advances towards young girls and his time at DeviantArt.

I encourage everyone to expand on my points and point out anything I may have missed. Please spread the word about this blog and Chad Syphrett.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Chad Syphrett.

It is impossible for me to correctly summarise this man in one post. Over time, I plan to accumulate evidence and testimony from both Chad himself and the people that he has hurt with his ignorance, bigotry, and narcissism.

I'd like to officially state that this blog is entirely seperate from Encyclopedia Dramatica, though I may be drawing upon their vast pool of evidence at times. My articles and evidence presented here will be done so in a formal, logical, and overall proper manner, and conclusions will only be drawn on the basis of that evidence.

I thank you for reading this blog, and I hope that the information I provide is useful.